Gloria Smith
Councillor - Common Ward / Member of the Finance Committee / Trustee of Freres Alms Houses
22 Lawrence Close Kingswood Bristol BS15 4AH
corsham@outlook.comBen Milsom
Councillor - Warmley Ward / Member of the Allotment Committee
Ben is a Councillor for the Warmley Ward Address: 24…
milsmyster@hotmail.comJustine Davies
Councillor - Common Ward / Member of the Planning Committee
The Cowshed, Siston Hill, Bristol. BS39 5LU. Reade
Councillor - Common Ward / LCNAP & Neighbourhood Plan Champion
Address : Shetland Villa, 10 High Street, Warmley, BS15 4ND
c/o sistonpc@gmail.comAndrew Stacey
Chair and Councillor - Warmley Ward / Member of the Planning & FInance Committees
Andrew is the Chair of Siston Parish and is a… Rees
Councillor - Warmley Ward / Member of the Allotment Committee
Aled Rees Common Ward 1 Station Road, Warmley, BS30 8XH Hackett
Councillor - Rural Ward
James is the Councillor for the Rural ward. Bryant
Councillor - Warmley Ward / Member of the Allotment Committee
Alan is a Councillor for Warmley Ward.